Friday, September 26, 2008

Fatigue - why so tired? Part III

Food allergies can be another cause of fatigue. It takes a lot of energy to mount an immune response against food. Energy that can be used for the many biological reactions from intense IgE food allergy reactions, immediate injections with adrenaline are utilized. Adrenaline counteracts some of the effects of pronounced allergy reactions, such as the constriction of the lungs. Elson Haas MD points out that, " this strong need for adrenaline reveals the demand that MILDER food reactions constantly place on the adrenal glands. If you're consistently experiencing subtle food reactions, you're draining your natural supply of adrenaline. When this happens, it can rob you of your energy, good mood, and motivation."
An excerpt from Dr. Lynn Toohey's nutri-notes.

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